My heart aches today. I am crying as I write these words.
Jacob Wetterling, a former student in the teaching team where he was a student the day he was kidnapped, was finally brought home. He is not alive in body, nor has he been since the day he was kidnapped, but he is alive in spirit, and has been since that same day.
It has been a very long and arduous journey for the Wetterling family and for those who were closely involved. I had always hoped the filming we had done as a school project would be helpful in bringing Jacob home. Alas, it was not to be.
I am glad many of us now know. I have always been angry that Jacob was a victim of a predator. It is hard to work through the stages of grief when in the final stage one just does not know the final fate.
Every gathering, every large group activity always had me scanning faces to see if there was a chance that he might be one of them. There was always the chance. There was always the hope.
Rest in Peace, Jacob
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