Saturday, November 16, 2019


Sitting in a warm living room on a cold fall day watching a football game, my inner self asked the question, “is it time to write another blog?”

I had to think about that for a while. If I wanted to, about what would I write. What has happened that would warrant the time to put into words that which I feel? In the past it has been about a person, a pet, a season, a place, a cooking experience or some other topic that comes to mind.

But this time, crickets. All I heard from the the idea side of my brain was silence. I would not call it a writer’s block. I feel a writer’s block happens when someone starts a project but is kind of stuck in the middle. No, this felt like more of a writer’s void. 

Of course there have been things going on; Marriages, deaths, graduations, holidays, camping, and celebrations. But, nothing seemed to find its way into the queue for further consideration. 

So, I guess until something “dramatic” comes along, I will have to sit in this warm living room on a cold fall day watching football.