The following is an excerpt taken from an article found in the DOG EARED NEWS. While there are many examples of negative stories, here is an example of humans stepping up to do the right thing.
I think it may be safe to say that a few people who are reading this may be surprised that you have returned to Peaceful Pines on a full time basis.
The Dude
yes, I think you may be right. It was not how we had planned it all out , but here I am.
planned it all out?
The Dude
Well, the plan, initially, was for me to settle in with Garrison while he continues his studies in Iowa. But, there were some complications that came up and a group consensus thought returning to Peaceful pines was in my best interest.
The Dude
yes, I am blessed with a great group of handlers. Garrison, Kristine, Joyce and Gary are my most trusted group and I have implicit faith in their judgement. I mean after all, they rescued me from the situation I was in and have been looking out for me ever since then.
You mentioned some complications?
The Dude
yes, I am paraphrasing here, but there is an old saying that "you can take the dog out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the dog."
How does that apply in this instance?
The Dude
Well, Garrison, at the moment, is living in a room on the second floor of a rather large house in the middle of Fairfield, Iowa. And while Fairfield is not a super large city, it does have a fair amount of traffic. The loud cars, the honking in the middle of the night and just the general "city" noises tended to make me nervous. I also had to be on a leash whenever I was outside. That is something I was not used to having to do. And to Garrison's credit, he could tell that I was not adjusting to the new environment.
Were there any good things that came out of your time there?
The Dude
Oh, definitely, yes. First, I got to spend the time with Garrison that we both had wanted for a long time. He and I would walk all over the place. I also met some very nice people and even made friends with a dachshund named Oz. AND I am proud to say that, with Garrison's help, I was able to go up and down the stairs relatively easily. I am sure that will help me here at Peaceful Pines if I ever need to get down to the basement and back up again.
So, what are your plans for the future?
The Dude
Well, as you know, a dog's life is a day to day thing. So, I plan to just enjoy each day that I am here at Peaceful Pines. I notice that my friend ,the chipmunk, is still around, so he will let me chase him around. I know I will never catch him. and to be honest, I am not sure what I would do If I ever did. But, it gets my heart pumping when I do chase him around the yard.
It seems like Joyce and Gary have welcomed you back with open arms.
The Dude
I'll say. They have put things back in the places that I recognize and Gary even built me a brand new bed. I tried it out for the first time last night and there is plenty of room on this one to move around during the night. And, it is a lot easier on Gary's arms when I need to have some human contact. The other bed was too low and made it difficult for him to reach me when I needed him to wake me from my bad dreams.
Well, welcome back to Peaceful Pines. I have a hunch we will be reading more about your adventures in the future.
The Dude