Have I mentioned that we, Joyce and I are “R”etired? I hate
to rub it in, but we are.
So, what does a couple of “R”etired people do with their
time when they are not tending gardens or building projects to check off the “to
do” list? Perhaps check an item off Gary’s want to do list? Yes, that’s it.
Check an item off Gary’s want to do list.
A train trip across half the US seems reasonable, I’d say.
Combine that with a Schnoor family reunion, An Oregon Ducks football game, a
trip to the ocean and a test drive of the newer electric car models, I’d say
that is a way to spend time enjoying the fruits of the labors past.
Taking the train means one should not rely on an iron clad
schedule. By the time we arrived in Minot, ND, we were a bit more than an hour
behind the posted schedule. Since Joyce and I were not expecting to be met by
anyone, it did not matter to us.
We were a bit wary of the choice of train to get us to the coast. When we last took a train, Joyce had an issue with the swaying of the train. Our seats were in the upper level and the movement seemed amplified up there. This time we purchased lower level reserve seats and we could tell a marked difference. It felt more like being at road level.
Yes, North Dakota is flat, even from the view of a train
But, once the flat gives way to the rolling hills and
eventually the majestic mountains, I always remember the reason this train trip
is high on my repeat adventure list.
Of course, it is nice when the train passes through the
majestic landscape when it is light enough to appreciate nature in all its
The reunion? It is always a treat to visit with Joyce’s
family. Good food, fun conversation and visiting with relatives who haven’t
been seen in a long time, is always special.
The game? I must say, the ducks do know how to throw a
football party. The duck mascot was being "moshed"
UP the section across from us. Can you see it in the vid?
I love the ocean. It doesn’t matter which one it is. I love
the expanse. I love the power of the crashing surf. I love the sand under my
feet. I love the smell of the salt spray.
And then there was the test drive. Well, actually, there was
no test drive. We had plenty of things to do, so that remains something for a
later date. But, a drive up into the Cascades is a wonderful alternative. Where
else in the U.S. can one find lush forest and a treeless lava field all within
about 60 miles?
And, yes, a great adventure also brings me to the
realization that Peaceful Pines, emphasis on Peaceful, is the place to hang my
hat at the end of the day.
Hmmmm, Wait a minute, is that Puerto Rico calling?