Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stop me if you have heard this one before……….

One day two ducks, two gophers and a Tennessee Volunteer walk into a bar.
The bartender says, “ What’ll you have?”
They all reply, “ We’ll have one Schnoor family reunion, please.”

“And, we’ll have an all class reunion on the side.”

The last few days have been quite a whirlwind of travel for the Schnoor “kids.” Ralph and Viola drove up to Ely, Minnesota from Knoxville, Tennessee and arrived Thursday the 21st of June. Dale and Judy, who drove from Eugene, Oregon arrived the same night. Meanwhile, Al and Chris flew in from Eugene to the MSP airport where Joyce and Gary were there to greet them. After a quick stop at the IKEA store by the Mall of America, there was a short stay over in Randall. Meanwhile, Marg and Herbie were making their way to Bill and Ginny Davidson’s in Babbitt, Minnesota for the weekend.

By Friday, everyone except Marg and Herbie were checked in at the Super 8 in Ely and Friday night everyone finally found each other in Babbitt. There was a check-in at the high school for the "class" reunion. There were a lot of, “Do you know who I am?” Questions echoing down the hallways. And, the predictable uncomfortable pauses followed. It was amusing to see so many people of “senior age” have blank expressions for a while and then to watch the dawn of recognition when they found that the person standing next to them used to be a great friend.

It is surprising what can be packed into a 4-day get together including;


lunches ,
birthday celebrations 

and ,oh yes, there was shopping done as well, mostly for shoes and a pair of boots it turns out.

I believe a good time was had by all. I am sure Bob and Tracy were nodding approval from above as they watched the spirit of  renewed family relationships strengthen.